Profile picture of Liam Moat

Liam Moat

Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft

Find the outbound IP addresses used by Azure App Services

By Liam Moat. . 2 minutes read.

When making an outbound network call from Azure App Services it can be useful to know your application’s outbound IP addresses. Usually, you will use this information to configure the firewalls of external services to allow requests from your application. In Azure, your application’s outbound IP addresses are fixed. This post explains where to find your application’s IP addresses using the portal, the Resource Explorer, Powershell and the Azure CLI.

It’s useful to note that this isn’t necessary for outbound calls to Azure SQL Server if you are using the “Allow all Azure Services” firewall setting.


In the Azure Portal navigate to the App Service blade for your application. Select ‘Properties’ in the blade’s left navigation to find useful information about your application - including a list of outbound IP addresses.

Figure 1: Azure Portal

Resource Explorer

The same information is available from the Resource Explorer. In the explorer select your application from the resource tree on the left or navigate directly to your application using the URL template below:[subscription-id]/resourceGroups/[resource-group-id]/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/[resource-name]

In the output panel, you will see the “outboundIpAddresses” property, which will contain a comma-separated list of IP addresses.

Figure 2: Resource Explorer


Using Azure’s Powershell module you can run the following command to list your application’s outbound IP addresses:

(Get-AzureRmWebApp -Name [name] -ResourceGroupName [resource-group-name]).OutboundIpAddresses -split ","

Azure CLI

If you’re using the Azure CLI, you can run the following command to retrieve your application’s configuration as JSON.

az webapp show [resource-group-name] [name] --json

Within the JSON printed in your console, you will see a comma-separated list of IP addresses in the ‘outboundIpAddresses’ property.

Figure 3: Azure CLI